Monday, 14 February 2011

Top 10 filming tips

1. When possible use a tripod- this is to keep the camera steady to make it easier for the viewer to watch.
2. Get a good variety of shots- for example close ups, mid shots, long shots etc to make the story-line much lore interesting.
3. Check your focus, exposure and white balance.
4 Good time keeping- for example do not make the film to long of to short so that the viewer does not understand the film.
5. Recording- make sure when you are filming that you are actually recording and are getting of the footage that you need and remember it is better to have to much footage than not enough.
6. Film shots that match the story-for example keep to the story-line and do not go off task.
7. Work as a team- share your thoughts and ideas to ensure that the whole group takes part and come up with the best ideas possible.
8. Wear headphones to block out things such as wind.
9. Don't film to much. Although it is better to have to much than too little footage, try not to get too much otherwise the editing process will be too long.
10. Carry spares with you. For example a battery, you do not want to run out of battery while filming as it is very frustrating and wastes a lot of time.

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