Monday, 31 January 2011


The opening sequence first starts on top of the roof in central Cambridge, where the main character is standing on the edge of the room looking over at all the people, thinking about his plans to control the world. He then turns around dressed in all black, his face is also blacked out, so it appears as one big black shadow. Then there will lots of cuts of mini urban settings to create a sombre mood that will run throughout the film. The charcter will then be seen from behind before turning around and before you see his identity the shot cuts to black with the titles of the film.
The next scene is with the same character sitting in a very dim room surrounded by dark electrical equipment and TV screens showing obscure video (memories) this is a clue to what happens further on in the film. The shots pan across the equipment and cuts to shots of the dark room and the character sitting at a big dingy computer terminal. The next shot is a close up of his hands at a rusty broken keyboard tapping furiously. The screen fades then pans across the screens flickering images. (Such as  The shot pans back across the room to black. End of scene. Will be in more depth when finalised.

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