Monday 31 January 2011

Planning and organisation

(* = what we still need to do) 

5 main areas: - Script Writing
                       - Storyboarding*
                       - Test Shooting*
                       - Shooting*
                       - Editing*
- Don't rely on memory - write down ideas in a simple way
- Walk through and act out the script, this will help to identify problems and learn more about what works and what doesn't
- Research locations, take notes and pictures (is it noisy?) etc.
- Source local information - make sure everyone can get there.
- Digital storyboard - Frames/angles/shot types - print them out and use google maps for a birds eye view.
- ALWAYS have a shot list - annotate your script
- Test shots - get used to the equipment/location and props.
- Prepare a shooting schedule - Organize a day and time - what restrictions do you have?

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