Friday, 4 February 2011

Health and Safety concerns

1. being on an edge of a  roof top will be a health and safety concern and may have an effect on if we can film there or not due to health and safety reasons.
2. One health and safety concern is having an actor on top of the roof looking down may cause some unwanted attention from members of the public. so whilst we are filming members of the public may cause a health and safety issue.
3. When we are filming at the bottom of the building we have to be careful of on coming traffic such as members of the public, cycles and cars.
4. Another health and safety concern is whilst filming near traffic light we have to be considering the amount of people that are trying to get past and the oncoming traffic.
5. The person who is filming on top of the roof is in as much danger of falling off as the actor is, so it is vitally important the person filming doesn't go near the edge while filming.

6. The weather is also a health and safety concern. for example if it is wet and rainy, it makes the ground slippery which increases the chance of slipping over. 

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